Programme Apr 4th – May 30th 2016

Posted by on Apr 4, 2016

Programme 4th April  –  30th May 2016                                

Apr 4th          Spring Trail,  judgement  night.

                        Exercise: Abstract photographs for April 11th. 3-5 on memory stick. 

Apr 11th          Photo League.    Bring back Abstract Photos.

                        Bring in photos to be assessed for National Club Finals on 18th.

Apr 18th           Photo League, Monochrome / B&W only. Look at photos for  Panels.

May 25th         Photo League.              Spring Trail Review. 

May 2nd         Bank Holiday, No Club meeting.

May 9th           Photo League,  Macro / Close Up only. League Final night.

Old photo equipment, as photography used to be.

May 14th/15th   National Club Finals & Distinctions Mullingar. 

May 16th         Outing to Quin. Meet at the Church 7:30pm.

May 23rd         To be decided. May go on outing to The Burren on Saturday 21st.

May 30th        Oakwood Arms Hotel. Bring back images on memory stick from the two outings.


                        Club outing  to ?     Date  TBD


                Enjoy the Summer. Keep shooting  great photos with

                  the goal of  the Club entering  the National Shield in

                  November  & the IPF Photographer of the Year Regional

                  round in December followed by the finals of this

                  competition in 2016 .

                  Also consider the Nature Photographer of the Year

                  Regional round in January and the finals later in early

                  2016, The SACC Inter Club Competition and especially 

                  the  IPF National Club Finals.

                  The club committee will be making a major effort this year

                  to getting the club back into participation in all these

                  Competitions starting with the National Shield in November.